QHSE Policy

Renewable Resources is committed to provide quality consultancy services in renewable energy sector based on the needs of our valued customers. Our aim is to become the leading consulting firm in Renewable Energy sector nationally as well as internationally providing timely superior quality services.

Renewable Resources (Pvt.) Limited is committed to:

  • Achieve utmost customer satisfaction by ensuring quality services, timely deliveries and minimal utilization of resources
  • Ensure all customers complaints are handled efficiently and effectively to maintain customer relationship through professional customer services.
  • Provide direction, training and supervision for our employees to enhance their competencies and professional development.
  • To prevent pollution and protect the environment.
  • Strive to reduce generated waste, emissions and use of hazardous materials.
  • Provide safe and healthy working conditions for our employees, visitor/ contractors.
  • Achieve “Zero injury”, reduce work related ill health and prevent accidents/ incidents.
  • Ensure safe handling and use of substances.
  • Consult with our personnel on all matters affecting their health and safety.
  • Strive to eliminate workplace hazards and mitigate risks through effective risk management program.
  • Comply with all applicable local and international laws, regulations and legislation.
  • To Continual improvement in Quality, Environment and Health & Safety management system to enhance Performance of entire Integrated Management System.
  • Periodic review and revise this policy for continual improvement at regular intervals.

This policy is communicated to all employees, interested parties and displayed for information purposes. The policy is reviewed at defined intervals for continuing suitability.