
CEO'S Message

Dr Irfan Afzal Mirza

At this juncture, we are encountering the worst electricity crisis in the history of Pakistan, resulting in extended load shedding which virtually impedes our industrial growth and suspends social life. If we analyze the electricity mix of Pakistan; it is heavily tilted towards imported oil. Any oil price hike in the international market strikingly impacts our electricity generation which could result in the current circular debt becoming more critical. Renewable Resources Pvt. Ltd (RE2) was established in 2009, with an aspiration to promote and facilitate development of renewable energy technologies in Pakistan to secure sustainable energy.

Today I am proud to say that we have made an impact and the company is involved in the consulting of renewable and indigenous energy projects of more than 2050 MWs in Pakistan. In just the wind sector we have more than 70% of the market share together with our partner Tractebel Engie GmbH, Germany formerly called as Lahmeyer International. This is just the beginning and I wish that, in the next few years, renewable energy shall get its due share in the electricity mix of Pakistan. BUT wishes can’t make things, happen it’s the action. We have taken the first step by providing the quality services to our clients by becoming the One Stop Shop for them.

Our professional and dedicated team is not only providing consulting services to the investors and developers BUT are also involved with lenders for due diligence of projects. We are also finding new sites with the potential for Wind, Solar and other Renewable Energy resources for the development of these indigenous technologies.

To hone our capacity and follow the international best practices we partner with Lahmeyer International GmbH (LI) of Germany - one of the leading international players in the consulting business.

In the end I commit that we will continue striving to provide the timely quality services to our clients.